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时间:02-01 17:54:03 浏览:6226来源:http://www.fangchanshe.com  客服公文


    6、如您在近期发现门窗漏水之现象,管理处谨建议您立即联络施工队进行维修。管理处亦联络有专业的施工公司提供此项服务,维修单价为128.00元/M2, 以供选用。
    阁下若有任何疑问,可致电管理处,电话号码:54221661 或 64014953(英语热线)
    Date:June 20,2006

    Serious:06虹管字第060601号  To: All Owners and Tenants 
    Notice About Enforce Work for Preventing Rainy and Flood Season
    Dear Owners and Tenants:
    According to the weather bureau issue the information that our city has already come into rainy and flood season, so the probability of heavy flood and rainfall will be increased. With the help of our property management do something to prevent rainy and flood actively, we also want to remind you pay attention to the things as following:
    1.Check and keep that all of the indoor sewage no block.
    2.Check and keep that outdoor attachment safe and firm (for example: outdoor air conditioner, awning, clotheshorse, flower shelf, windows and doors)
    3.Cooperate to keep our public area and public pipe no block, no shatter and no occupancy
    4.The walls of some part which is half-underground structure connect the earth directly. When the air temperature and moisture changes so quickly, it will dewfall on indoor wall. It is just the phenomena of nature, not the leaking problem.
    5.If there is the structure leaking problem in your house, please contact us as soon as possible. We will arrange our professional engineer to check. After confirm the problem, we will ask the developer to repair your house to avoid any property lose during rainy and flood season.
    6.If you find your window and door is leaking, we suggest that you can contact the professional decoration to repair. Our management office also recommend professional company to provide this service, the maintain fee is RMB128 per square met



    For any inquiry, please contact us 54221661 or 64014953  (English Hot Line).
    We are sincerely in your service!
    X Golf Villa Property Management

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