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  • 名称:公司治理外文资料精粹
  • 类型:房地产综合资料
  • 大小:60.0 KB
  • 更新时间:02-01 13:33:42
  • 下载次数:4764
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 推荐度:
  • 上传会员ID:7717966
This paper analyzes the survival of organizations in which decision agents do not bear a major share of the wealth effects of their decisions. This is what the literature on large corporations calls separation of “ownership” and “control.” Such separation of decision and risk bearing functions is also common to organizations like large professional partnerships, financial mutuals and nonprofits. We contend that separation of decision and risk bearing functions survives in these organizations in part because of the benefits of specialization of management and risk bearing but also because of an effective common approach to controlling the implied agency problems. In particular, the contract structures of all these organizations separate the ratification and monitoring of decisions from the initiation and implementation of the decisions.

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