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当前位置:房产社房地产旅游地产旅游策划大理古城旅游房地产的发展及社会文化影响研究 下载


  • 名称:大理古城旅游房地产的发展及社会文化影响研究
  • 类型:旅游策划
  • 大小:470 KB
  • 更新时间:02-01 13:52:43
  • 下载次数:2364
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 推荐度:
  • 上传会员ID:7154296
Abstract: Tourism real estate is considered as an attractive combination of the tourism industry and the real estate industry, which has been growing in the past decades. However, the unexpected growth leads to some problems challenging the justification and sustainability of the development of it. Dali, located in the northwest of Yunnan province, has the ideal locality, landscape and resource for tourism real estate development. The unique pattern of development and external market oriented sale strategy not only attract the developers and investors but also provide researchers the tourism real estate as a good case to study in historic town. This paper provides a case study of Dali and the field work was carried out substantially in 2008 and 2009. This paper reveals the development process of tourism real estate in Dali, a historical town. A dual-dimensional product spectrum including length of time for use and state of property ownership is constructed to classify

关键字:影响  房地产  大理古城  旅游策划旅游地产 - 旅游策划


